eLitigation @ GCC

Fees and Charges


No. Items Charge Basis (S$) Remarks


Court Document Fees

Per document


Court document fees vary depending on the Court type and name of the document being filed. For details, please refer Appendix B of Rules of Court.


(a)Transmission Fees

Per page


Transmission fee is calculated based on per page of the document being composed into electronic form or scanned as an attachment in PDF.

(b) Transmission Fees (for Bundle of Documents & Written Submissions)

Per page



Processing Fees

Per document



Urgent Filing Fees (Priority Fee)

Per document


For request for urgent processing.

Additional of 16% of court document fee apply.

e.g. Court document fee = $20.00,
16% of $20.00 = $3.20


Court's Administrative Fee

Per document


Courts Admin fee imposed on rejected document at the discretion of court related to State Courts and Family Courts.


Courts Admin fee imposed on rejected document at the discretion of court related to Supreme Court and Family Division of the High Court.


Electronic Service of Document

Per document per party


Electronic service of documents is only applicable for e-service of documents to registered eLitigation subscriber (law firm).